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Semalt: New Trends In SEO Marketing

Ivan Konovalov, the Semalt Expert, states that implementing AI increases the possibility of gaining a competitive advantage, and this can be due to the advanced visual, hyper-local and voice searches. But still, as much as we get informed about the benefits of AI, introducing it to the retail business can turn into a real challenge. In this regard, Kevin Bobowski, SVP and marketer of SEO gives the detailed advantages of AI to the retailers. He explains that many users, their percentage ranging up to 60%, start their searches from mobile devices. He explains that there are no digital marketers who are not busy carrying out searches on their mobile phones or looking for local search engines optimizing services.

Despite the fact that mobile phones are widely used in marketing, the researchers, unfortunately, ignore the use of AI and voice searches. Currently, more and more marketers are facing a lot of challenges in their work, as well as increased competition in the field. The good news is that there are simple ways to help to solve this issue. First of all, you have to understand the customer intend, as well as their needs in the particular moment of time by using local search engine optimization services.

By the way, Kevin Bobowski also believes that the use of voice search is going to bring a lot of changes in the marketing field as it can be able to help the retailers and also the search engines to get a better understanding of the preferences that different customers have. Also, there would be changes in the way customers type. For instance, instead of typing "New York Buildings," they would ask " Where can I find the best view in New York?". This is a very big advantage and opportunity to the marketers that can really improve their business and bring them a large amount of money annually.

However, the question that remains unspoken is "What is the influence of this on the SEO practices?" Having this question in mind, the main focus will be shifted to other the long-tail keywords, and this will make the strategy easier and faster to optimize. People have got used to communicate with the tools like Alexa and Siri. And note that this interaction almost always takes the form of general questions. In practice, it means that you can improve your site by adding a FAQ page or creating the blog giving the answers to the most popular questions.